Account & Login Help
Welcome to MyCityMerch's Account & Login Help. Whether you're a first-time visitor or a long-time fan, we're here to ensure your experience is seamless and secure.
“I've been using MyCityMerch for a while now and I'm really impressed. The site is quick, easy to use, and everything always arrives on time. Since I created an account, I've discovered some great products that I probably wouldn't have found otherwise. Definitely recommend checking it out!”
Become a City Insider
Creating an account with MyCityMerch is your gateway to the heart of your city's culture. Get insider access to our curated collections that celebrate your local pride, community events, and everything that makes your city unique.
Create Your AccountLogin Help
Having trouble accessing your account? Let's quickly get you back on track:
- Forgot Your Password? Hit the “Forgot Your Password?” link under the login field for a reset email.
- Correct Email Address? Double-check for typos in your email address. It’s easy to misspell and miss out.
- Guest Checkout? If you checked out as a guest, you won’t have a login. Create Your Account for next time!
Stuck or need more help? Our support team is just a click away.